Tourism Principles, Practices, Legal and Ethical Issues
fundamental tourism concepts, growth and development of tourism, potential mapping, measurement, impact of tourism, legal & regulatory framework of travel and toursim, different parties involves, Tourism Act and Package Tour Regulations, etc.
Tourism Products of India
fundamentals of tourism product, different tourism products and geographical features, natural and manmade tourism of India.
Tour Package
fundamentals of tour, components of tour, selling package tours and application of tour package in inbound and outbound tour.
Itinerary Planning and Costing
tour operations like itinerary preparation and costing of the tour package.
Tour Guiding and Interpretation
natural, cultural or historic values attached to places, conservation and ongoing protection of heritage, customer-delight.
ICT in Tourism
innovation and technology related to the growth, success and future development of tourism and approaches that effectively utilise technology and innovation within the tourism industry.
Tourism Entrepreneurship
fundamentals of entrepreneurship, travel and tourism cases on entrepreneurship, innovation and incubation, start-up creation, resources mobilization, policy, laws, and schemes related to entrepreurship