what drugs do to the living organisms and how their effects can be applied to therapeutics. Information about the drugs like, mechanism of action, physiological and biochemical effects (pharmacodynamics) as well as absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (pharmacokinetics) along with the adverse effects, clinical uses, interactions, doses, contraindications and routes of administration of different classes of drugs. Fundamentals of various aspects (classification, mechanism of action, therapeutic effects, clinical uses, side effects and contraindications) of drugs acting on different systems of body, emphasis on the basic concepts of bioassay, drugs acting on respiratory and gastrointestinal system, infectious diseases, immunopharmacology, principles of toxicology, and chrono-pharmacology.
study of causes of diseases and reactions of the body to such disease producing causes. Thorough knowledge of the relevant aspects of pathology of various conditions with reference to its pharmacological applications, and understanding of basic pathophysiological mechanisms. Baseline knowledge to practice medicine safely, confidently, rationally and effectively
Human Anatomy and Physiology
fundamental knowledge on the structure and functions of the various systems of the human body, homeostatic mechanisms, and about the basic knowledge required to understand the various anatomical and physiological features and use.
Pharmacy Practice
practice of Hospital Pharmacy, skills like drug distribution, drug information, and therapeutic drug monitoring for improved patient care, dispensing of drugs, responding to minor ailments by providing suitable safe medication, and patient counselling for improved patient care in a community set up.
Computer Applications in Pharmacy
introduction to Databasse, Database Management system, computer application in clinical studies and use of databases
Environmental Science
scientific study of the environmental system and the status of its inherent or induced changes on organisms, study of physical and biological characters of the environment but also the social and cultural factors and the impact of human on environment