Fundamental processes
Scope and development of Psychology, implications in social sciences, different schools of thought, branches and methods in use, role, function, and work of a graduate of a Psychologist, Career prospects – existing and emerging
Cognitive processes
understanding of the basic cognitive processes, such as, attention, learning, memory, emotion, motivation, psychophysics and perceptual systems.
Developmental Psychology
various aspects of human development with respect to physical, cognitive, social and emotional domains at all ages that would help increase their psychosocial functioning and develop a holistic and compassionate understanding about people around them.
Clinical psychology
develop preliminary ideas about psychopathology, various psychiatric disorders, prevalent developmental disorders seen during developmental age, etc.
Social psychology
various interpersonal, psychological and psychosocial processes, social and human behavioural factors, applications in daily living, communication and various other aspects of societal discourse.
Organizational psychology
understand and analyse different facets of organizational behaviour, especially, in the fields of motivation and leadership, managing emotion and behaviour in workplace, managing humans as a resource in organizational setup, etc.
Biological basis of Behaviour
Structure of central and peripheral nervous system, functions and underlying physiological explanation of various psychological processes and disorders.
Health Psychology
understand the interaction and interrelationship of physical health and psychological wellbeing, preventive aspects of health and lead fuller and more enriched lives.