B. Pharm Student Shines at CSIR-IICB Skill Development Program
B. Pharm students from our 7th semester recently participated in the CSIR-Integrated Skill Initiative program, a flagship initiative under the “Skill India” mission of the Government of India. This prestigious program, aptly named the SKILL Development programme, provided our students with a unique opportunity to showcase their skills alongside esteemed participants from across the country.
Notably, one of our undergraduate students was selected as the sole representative among nine candidates, predominantly comprising postgraduate students and PhD scholars, to present at the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata. This achievement is a testament to the exceptional caliber of our students.
During the 12-day training program, our students gained hands-on experience in operating High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) equipment for the analysis of plant extracts and neurotransmitters. This exposure has not only enhanced their technical skills but also provided them with a platform to interact with renowned experts in the field.