Jul 13, 2020

Masterclass Webinar on Media

Content is King – this one statement has many layers associated with it. Each layer was unravelled with fine-tuned industry insights at our exclusive webinar.

Meet the Speakers:

Jayanta Ghosal
Topic – Importance
16th July, 2 pm to 3 pm
Watch Video here – https://youtu.be/cIiugyxmuCg

Rith Basu
Topic – Significance of Content in PR
16 July, 5 pm to 6 pm
Watch Video here – https://youtu.be/CXJXbbjyECk

Zinia Sen
Topic – Brahma Janen Gopon Kommoti: Behind the Screenplay
20th July, 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm
Watch Video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P14FRdhtQSY

Kankana Chakraborty
Topic: Content Packaging Helps but is Short-Lived
17th July, 3 pm to 4.30 pm
Watch Video here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C4lq3VkSY4