Oct 17, 2023

Interactive Session on Mental Health Day

Department of Psychology, NSHm Institute of Health Sciences, Kolkata presents World Mental Health Day.

Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharya Associate Professor and Incharge, Department of Psychiatric Social Work, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi.

Mental health is a condition of mental well-being that allows people to cope with life’s stressors, realize their strengths, study and work effectively, and contribute to their community. It is an essential component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and communal capacity to make decisions, form connections, and affect the world in which we live. Mental health is a fundamental human right. It is also essential for personal, community, and socioeconomic growth.

Mental health encompasses more than just the absence of mental diseases. It exists on a complex continuum, with varied degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very diverse social and clinical results from one person to the next.

To overcome all this Department of Psychology organised two different workshops Interactive Sessions on Mental Rights and Legislation and interactive Sessions on Specific Learning Disorders.