By NSHM | Jan 15, 2022

An MBA Powered by Harvard Business School? Yes, You Heard it Right!

What has become imperative in today’s time for organizations & corporate professionals to survive is the ability to work across cultures and countries.

The capacity to view business from an international perspective gives you an edge in today’s workforce, regardless of whether you aspire to work abroad or are in a company that operates on a global scale.

These skills aren’t just necessary for senior management; they are important for employees at all levels and in every department.

This is especially true in management education. The best colleges for MBA who provide an international focus can open doors to exciting new opportunities that would otherwise be difficult to obtain through traditional business education.

You’ll be a valuable asset to any company in the corporate industry, bringing much-needed knowledge and skills to help a company grow. The ability to travel and interact with people from all over the world is an excellent return on investment in addition to a higher salary.

NSHM’s MBA is Gaining Popularity For All the Right Reasons!

NSHM Business School aims to shape brilliant minds, equip them with the skills to lead national and global companies, and create a pool of next-generation entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders committed to ethical behaviour.

NSHM Knowledge Campus (Kolkata & Durgapur) is a 25-year-old institution with a large alumni base of more than 25000 students. Over the last decade and a half, over 3600 students have graduated from NSHM – MBA programmes and are working with reputable organisations both in India and abroad.

An MBA Powered by Harvard Business School: The #BestofBothWorlds

Harvard Business School (HBS) online courses are now part of the NSHM MBA curriculum.

Yes, that’s right!

The NSHM + HBS Online program in Kolkata requires students to complete select online subjects offered by the prestigious Harvard Business School Online.

An influential faculty of approximately 30 members groom students through a relentless training programme, and a dedicated team of four career development professionals aids in matching students with suitable careers and jobs.

During their MBA, students are bound to pick and complete one of the following HBS Online modules:

  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship Essentials
  • Financial Accounting
  • Economics for Managers
  • Design Thinking Innovation

The program also offers dual specialisations in Marketing, Operations, Finance, Human Resource, Management Information Systems and Healthcare Management.

What Makes HBS Online + NSHM’s Collaborative MBA Unique?

  • Designed by Harvard Business School Faculty
  • Cutting-Edge Teaching and Learning Based on Real-World Case Studies
  • Peer Collaboration and Networking on a Global Scale
  • Upon completing the HBS Online program, you will be designated as an HBS Online Alumni.
  • Developing strategic leadership skills and contributing as a Global HBS Online Alumni to the future of businesses.
  • The subjects offered help develop an interdisciplinary approach to analysing and solving complex problems and interpreting data using business, management, and technology-based analytical tools and techniques.
  • A rigorous training program lets students establish themselves as successful business professionals with solid multidisciplinary knowledge and technical competence.
  • Develop dynamic group skills with peer collaborations to positively contribute to activities and display self-management and teamwork abilities through effective communication.

Path to Global Success

Gaining a global edge in management education will prepare you for your new career in international business – at work and in your studies.

Studying a globally-centred curriculum is common with the NSHM + HBS Online MBA program to prepare you to function with different cultures and leadership styles.

Their curriculum prepares you to play an essential role in a company that will compete on a global scale. You will work to improve performance while dealing with the ever-transforming challenges of global markets.

This business program with the best MBA institute in Kolkata will prepare you to pursue lucrative roles that pay well. There are a variety of careers that require an internationally-focused education: trading specialists, policy advisors, and business analysts, and guess what? You’ll be easily qualified for them based on your specialisation.

And the best part is, depending on your career, you’ll be able to travel for business to Europe, Latin America, Asia. The list is never-ending.

You are bound to become unstoppable. Grab the opportunity & fly high!